Woman Behind the Gown - Lauren Ginsburg

Welcome back to our Woman Behind the Gown series, where we feature the beautiful women in our community wearing Lyra Vega Bridal gowns. Today we’re featuring another strong, independent woman - Lauren Ginsburg, who spends her days as an emergency nurse, as well as making music with her band Briar Circle. Read on to get to know her!


LVB: First, let's get the trifecta out of the way: favorite food, favorite film, and favorite flowers?

L: Kale salad – just kidding, pizza by default because I could eat it everyday. Favorite movie? ALL of Quentin Tarantino’s movies- is that allowed? Favorite flower is a Calla Lily.

LVB: Tell us about yourself – Who are you?  What’s your story? What experiences do you feel played an important role in shaping the person you are?

L: I am a sarcastic optimist. I’m always looking for the funny in a situation which is probably why I’m obsessed with stand-up comedy. I keep my inner circle small and I feel great loyalty to the friends that have stuck around through the years. Growing up I would say I was the ultimate band geek and was teased in accordance like a bad 80’s teen movie. But looking back my love of music was always way more important than who thought I was cool, and I think the teasing has made me a more compassionate person overall. In my adult life, I would say being a nurse and the experiences I’ve had throughout my career shape me the most these days. I truly feel it is an honor to take care of people at their most vulnerable and through this I am less self-absorbed (hopefully) and more appreciative of the simple things in life.


LVB: How did you get into the music?

L: Basically my family taught me everything I know. Between my parents and my two younger brothers (all musicians), music was constantly drifting through the house. Any given day you might have heard a mix of B.B. King, Kathleen Battle, NOFX, The Beatles, Radiohead, Fiona Apple, and No Warning, flowing out of the windows (most likely all at the same time). My parents originally met in a band called The News, later to sell the name to Huey Lewis when the band broke up (you will 100% hear that story if you stay for dinner). There were regular band practices, vocal lessons by mom, and hoarding of random instruments in the basement growing up. Musicians were always orbiting the house and still are. So, I would say my fate was sealed before I was even born haha.

LVB: Who are you as an artist, what are you trying to say with your music?

L: I think I am still trying to understand who I am as an artist. I’m not someone that has a bunch of ideas on crumpled paper thrown around in disgust, but I am hard on myself until I think I’ve reached the end-point of a project. Sometimes I need one of my band members to step in and say “it’s done”. When I’m writing lyrics, I love a good play on words and tend to use a lot of metaphors and imagery. I’m a sucker for a song with multiple meanings. Writing and playing music is cathartic and keeps my head screwed on straight. If other people like it and can feel something from my songs that’s a bonus.

LVB: You are also a NYC emergency nurse, how has it been for you these past couple of months during the COVID-19 pandemic?

L: Oh man umm these past couple of months have been a big emotional roller coaster, and it's been that experience for everyone I think, nurse or not. This is the hardest question on here for me for sure. I was working in NYC until early February before COVID hit the U.S. and just happened to be working in Boston when the quarantine happened. My usual routine for the past couple of years has been to travel between Boston and NYC every couple of weeks working as an emergency room nurse. This sort of lifestyle gave me a lot of flexibility with music and always kept things fresh and exciting! But, continuing to travel back and forth like this didn’t make sense from an infection standpoint, better to stay in one place. Naturally, I felt a mix of emotions about this (that could fill an album). I constantly worried about my colleagues and friends in New York, how they were managing, worrying if I made the right choice in bunkering down in Boston. But as things continued to develop and infection rates shot up, my hospital here in Boston was making rapid changes by the day. I found myself quickly inundated with work. The team here in Boston is a genius crazy big fun family that always finds a way to laugh, love and support each other through any challenge. It’s been a struggle, but I have never been prouder to be an emergency room nurse. I miss everyone in New York and look forward to the day I can walk into my old stomping grounds in Manhattan and give everyone a REAL hug. For now, just one day at a time is good enough for me. I’m happy to use this extra time at home to record more music!

LVB: Our “Woman Behind the Gown” series is all about celebrating the modern women. What does being a modern woman mean to you, and what are some traits you’ve come to admire in other women?

L: Haha what a loaded question! Ok, here goes. I consider myself a feminist. I want my independence supported and to be treated equally in society, this is basic. A few summers ago a psychic told me “you are an old soul and you are on one of your last lives, returned to earth to live as a woman because all of your past lives you have lived as a man. Your mission in this life is to embrace your femininity”. With that said, I think the traits I admire most in the women that I look up to are all the same ones I admire in a man! Traits like, independence, fearlessness, having humility, hardworking, compassionate, outspoken, and honest. For me being a modern woman is all about transcending old crusty gender roles while still embracing my femininity. I’m a girly girl (at least in this life) but don’t you dare tell me what I can and cannot do :) 

LVB: What do you look for in a partner? What does marriage mean to you?

L: I have been told by friends I don’t have a type. I think I’ve been attracted to different physical and mental attributes at different inflection points in my life. It’s more about timing for me. I do look for honesty and partnership the most. I think some of the best relationships grow out of a friendship first, but I am biased. I was friends with my boyfriend Kev for 2 years before we dated. Kev is also a close friend of my brother, so there already was a built in vetting process haha. It may sound cliche, but he truly supports me and takes me as I am and I don’t think you can “look” for that in a partner. If you get lucky enough to realize overtime that you’re with someone that fully accepts the weird ugly in you, cherish it. I have never been married so I imagine marriage much like a child imagines adulthood, I can’t wait to grow up and see.  

LVB: What was it like wearing a wedding gown?

L: Surprisingly a lot more comfortable than I thought it would be!


LVB: What’s next for you? How can we send you love and support in the things that you do?

L: My band Briar Circle just released a new single called “Hurricane Winds”! Check it out on all the streaming platforms or on our website BriarCircle.com. Right now I’m in the middle of finishing up another EP with them. With the live scene shut down I’m thinking it may turn into a full length. Either way we’re expecting to have some more new music out this summer/fall. You can listen to our EP “Sundays” on spotify, Itunes, youtube, etc, anywhere that streams music. Instagram and Facebook are probably the best ways to connect with me and Briar Circle. @briarcircle is our handle. Aside from that I encourage everyone to please send your love and support to your local businesses and artists!

LVB: Where can we see more of you? 

L: You won’t see me on zoom. Working on an IGTV series for now on @BriarCircle.

Thank you, Lauren, not only for opening up with us and sharing a bit of your story, but working on the frontline during this time of COVID-19. We appreciate you and wish you all the best in your future pursuits. Hopefully one day we will get to dress you for your big day!


Gown // Serena by Lyra Vega Bridal

Photography // @chrissykitesphoto

Florals, Styling, Design, & Coordination // @lovelythingsfloral

Model // Lauren Ginsburg

Hair Stylist // @ashlielynellhair

Makeup Artist // @haleysbeautypage

Flower Sources // @alexandrafarms